Saturday, December 22, 2018


At this point in apostle Paul’s writing of this epistle, he realized he had started repeating himself (Phil 3:1b) and for the sake of those who have a problem with repetition (most of us do), he interjected and explained the reason.

Spiritual things (the word of God) hardly stick the first time we hear them or when we hear them sparsely. They get written in(to) our hearts by repeated hearing/reading/meditation (Rom 10:17).

It is when God’s word is in our hearts that it becomes a part of us (we believe) so we can act on them, whether they be truths about God, His works, His promises or instructions for us to live by.

The proof of God’s word being in our hearts is our acting on it and that is how we bear fruits to God’s glory. Our actions are determined by what is in our hearts.

Apostle Paul said he was being repetitive (Phil 3:1b), not because he was slothful and did not have something else to write but that God wants this truth in our hearts so that we would be safe. Our safety (from evil) comes from acting on (obeying) God’s word that has been written in our hearts.

Secular knowledge (Psychology) says it takes 21 days of repetitive action to form the simplest of habits. Complex habits take longer. We should learn from this regarding spiritual things too and not be averse to hearing the same things over and over until it sticks to our hearts.


Now, the phrase ‘rejoice in the Lord’ is the object of repetition in Phil 3:1. This phrase is far from an advice or just another idea or suggestion to us believers, it is an instruction in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16b). God said it so we would obey it as a lifestyle. Then will He be able to bless us as He desires (James 1:22,25).

To obey this instruction, we must understand it. The word ‘rejoice’ means to ‘take/have great delight in…’ usually someone or something. To delight means to ‘have/take pleasure’ in… usually something or someone.

‘Rejoice’ as used here therefore would not be the emotion (joy) or feeling (happiness) that we have when things (circumstances and situations) are favorable (in line with our desires). If it was, it will be impossible to obey this instruction when things are not as we want them. God wants us to obey this instruction at all times (Phil 4:4).

Now, what we delight in is what we seek after, it is what we long for, it is what fills our desires/thoughts, it is what we give top priority in everything and at all times, it is our passion, it is what we want to spend our time with/on, it is what we are content with etc. God here says that we should treat Jesus and all that has to do with Him like this in our lives.


Do we have rewards for obeying God? Yes! When we obey instructions in righteousness, we produce the fruits of righteousness (Phil 1:11). It is from these fruits that we benefit in this life and the life to come.

Some fruits of greatly delighting in the Lord:

  • Supernatural joy (not dependent on circumstances and situations). The Lord gives this to us at all times and Satan isn’t able to take it away (Phil 1:8; 2:15,17,18). Paul was in Prison but was still full of joy and peace! No depression, no sadness… supernatural joy!
  •  It contributes immensely to our prayers being answered (Ps37:4, Jn 15:7)
  • We have rest of mind, assurance, confidence and peace always (Ps16:8) …(all positive emotions/feelings)
  • We become fruitful all round (Ps 1:1-3)

These are just a few. Delighting in the Lord makes us fulfill all the will of God for our lives. It makes us live a meaningful and true Christian life. Our knowledge of God depends on the extent to which we delight in Him, starting from His word and the quality (and quantity of) time we spend in fellowship with Him (worship, prayers, etc.).

Perhaps all we need to overcome the most irritating and discouraging challenges facing our lives today is to increase our delight in the Lord one more notch. Same for the peace, joy, happiness, fulfilment, respect, 'success' etc. that we seek after every day. It costs us nothing but our time and attention and it is well worth it, don’t you think?

Meditate on these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15).

Complements of the season! And it's good to be back! Watch out for more posts in the new year. God bless you.

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as they were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.

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