Friday, April 29, 2016


God has put the knowledge of Himself out to us through Jesus Christ (His word) and He campaigns for this knowledge till now (through the Holy Spirit). 

It is our responsibility as believers to seek out what is true about God, believe it and act on it for the fulfillment of God’s purpose for our lives. 

What you hear or are exposed to about God is what you believe, what you believe is what you act on which in turn determines how you end up. This is why Jesus said to Take heed what/how you hear (Mark 4:24, Luke 8:18) and take heed lest any man deceive you (Mark 13:5b). 

God already took His own heed by telling us what we must do and giving the Holy Spirit to guide and help, we are expected to take our own heed!

Satan also knows that what the believer hears or is exposed to (ideas) about God determines where he/she ends up and he will rather have the believer end up in his trap. He thus works to put out falsehood about God to achieve his aim. 

This falsehood is what the bible refers to as false teachings, false doctrines, doctrines of devils, heresies, wrong teaching, teaching of the letter rather than the spirit etc and all the names fit. However, you do not have to fall into Satan’s trap. 

What will mark you out when you are taking the heed is that firstly you will have peace in your spirit about things concerning God that you have heard, confirmed from God’s word and believed. Secondly as you act on what you have believed, you will get results consistent with what the bible says a believer’s life should be. This peace in your spirit comes from the witness of the Holy Spirit who dwells in your spirit (John 14:17, Romans 8:11, 16).


You will notice that during Jesus’ earthly ministry He preached and taught the word more than anything else. Demonstrations and manifestations of the Holy Spirit were to drive home the point about God’s knowledge and meet needs as may be necessary. 

Jesus knew that for man to experience God, we must believe Him and act on that belief. Romans 10:14 says How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?. You hear, believe and act accordingly, whether it is for salvation or any other matter regarding the believer and God.

Now, when Jesus rounded up on earth and went to heaven to continue at the right hand of God in another capacity, He made arrangements for His work on earth to continue. 

Part of that arrangement was to give ministry gifts to men and women (on a recurrent basis till He comes back) to serve the Church in the capacity of perpetuating the knowledge of God. 

These men and women are to primarily continue preaching, teaching and living His word (as examples/ambassadors) For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-14). 

The word ‘perfect’ here means mature, referring to growing into maturity in the knowledge of Christ. First the believer must grow spiritually, a process which then enables the believer to do the work that causes the entire body of Christ (the Church) to be built up. 

What causes spiritual growth (maturity) in the believer is the knowledge God’s word (1 Peter 2:2). The New International Reader’s Version puts Ephesians 4:12 this way; He did it so that they might prepare God's people to serve. If they do, the body of Christ will be built up. 


Problems however arise in this set up firstly when people who are not called take upon themselves the work of the five fold ministry. Secondly, it comes also when the called do otherwise than they have been called to do. These form the foundation for falsehood regarding propagating the knowledge of God.

You see God’s people, the ministry gifts are specialized tools in the hands of God through whom He intends to equip His people (by the administration of the knowledge of His word) so He can use His people to build His Church. 

Every member of the body works the work,(Ephesians 4:16) that is why all must grow up spiritually. The ministry gifts were not sent to replace Jesus but to be vessels through whom Jesus will perpetuate and expound the knowledge of the word of God. 

In the course of their work, the Holy Spirit will both manifest and demonstrate God’s power to drive home God’s point regarding the preaching and teaching of His word (Mark 16:20) and also help the babies in the house but it is not God’s intention that believers should remain spiritual weaklings in perpetuity and be at anyone’s mercy for miracles. 

The ministry gifts are to teach God’s people to know God, walk with Him and learn how to obtain their miracles from God personally in the course of their daily walk with Him as they grow.

We should understand that the call is a supernatural ability administered by God through a believer who is called and this ability only glorifies God who called and it gets what God wants in His Church done

While being born again is a prerequisite for the call, it is beyond the ability to preach to and get somebody saved or ability to explain/teach God’s word to someone else (abilities which all believers posses). It is a supernatural ability to expound the word beyond the ordinary. While it may appear that it is the called that is doing it, it is actually Christ working through him/her by reason of the call. Remove the call and the called is just any other believer.

The call is also not the ability to ‘do’ miracles, in fact, nobody can do any miracles but God through His Spirit who would manifest Himself through any believer (1 Corinthians 12:7) as He wills or based on their faith i.e if they believe God’s word concerning the matter.

The called have no influence over their being called any more than you had influence over being born as male or female or coming into the world at the time you did. 

The call cannot also be made by man, neither the gift given by man on the basis of any consideration whatsoever. It is also not a title neither is it a badge of greatness or being better or preferred over other believers before God. The call is exclusively at the discretion of God and His Christ.

When the call (and therefore the divine enablement) is there, it is apparent first and foremost in how it helps the people of God know Him more, draw closer to Him and get Him to help them more personally and then others too.

The call is strictly for the benefit of the Church and not for the benefit of the called (Ephesians 4:12). If the called does not do what he/she was called to do, it is as good as not being called in the first instance or what is the essence of the ministry gift if it is not equipping the saints to work the work of building the entire body?

One of Jesus’ description of this arrangement, among others, is that of shepherd and sheep (John 21:16-17), only that the shepherd in this case is also a sheep, but the gift of the ministry, God’s supernatural working in/through them, enables them fulfill that role of a shepherd, otherwise they cannot. Everybody in the Church is Christ’s sheep to begin with. 

Christ owns His Church and has not delegated that ownership to anybody. Jesus died for everyone including the shepherd, we are all the sheep of His pasture (Psalm 79:13, 95:17, John 10:16).

When God’s people are not being fed the knowledge of God, they do not grow spiritually and thus are unable to walk in the fullness of God’s benefit for them or do their bit in the body as expected. Then, the purpose for the ministry gifts being given is frustrated.


Christ will achieve what He intends in the Church but the buck stops at the desk of every believer. Are you being equipped with God’s word which is maturing you spiritually personally and enabling you to do service to God as expected in the body of Christ? If you are not, first you must desire to be so equipped and then secondly you must ensure that you expose yourself only to ministers that feed you the knowledge of God’s word appropriately and adequately, for there is always a remnant who are indeed called by God and have not deviated from His purpose. 

Take this heed, grow spiritually and ensure that your life is consistent with what God’s word says the life of a believer should be.

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15).

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.

Friday, April 15, 2016


Romans 1:15-17So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Without doubt we know that it is the power of God alone that destroys the works of the Kingdom of darkness. 

It is mentioned here in this text that it was this power that brought about our deliverance from the kingdom of darkness when we got saved. 

Salvation within the context in which it was used here however refers not only to when we became born again but also covers everything else relating to deliverance from and victory over the works of the kingdom of darkness after being born again. 

We comfortably conclude from these that what we need for victory over the works of the kingdom of darkness in our lives today is the power of God. Our salvation testifies of this, that where the power of God intervenes, Satan and his entire kingdom cannot stand, otherwise we would not be born again today.


Faith is the currency of God’s kingdom. It brought the power of God to work our salvation at the new birth (Ephesians 2:8). 

Without our faith, God would not have saved us, not because He does not want to or could not, but because the only way by which man is allowed to deal with God and vice versa is through faith (Hebrews 11:6). 

Without faith, God’s power will not intervene in the believer’s situation, in which event the works of Satan and his kingdom of darkness would have their way resulting in lack/loss, death and destruction. This is why it was concluded that the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17b). 

To enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to die for, beyond being born again (John 10:10), you MUST learn to live by faith perpetually. It is not difficult, if you are born again, your faith has worked for you before (when you got saved) and if you exercise it similarly in every other situation, it works like clockwork.


Faith in God, simply put, is believing God’s word in your heart and acting on it (as though it was so). 

God’s word, His mind towards you, is the ‘good news’ for every situation. This was how you got born again (Romans 10:9) and Abraham did not do more than this for him to become the father of faith (Romans 4:3,16b). 

When Satan rises against you with events, circumstances and situations (including fear of death), seek out God’s word (which is His mind concerning that situation) believe it and act on it. This causes God’s power to be released to put Satan in His place in your life. Your faith touches God and His power moves the mountain.

If it was not this simple, maybe it would not be as complicated as it seem today in the Church. 

God has been misrepresented long enough to make Him appear as the task-master who asks His people to give what they have and sometimes what they do not have before He considers what little help He can render to them. 

Dear believer, get it untwisted, you are more precious to God than that, He wants to intervene in your situation even much more than you want His intervention, He loves you. After all, what did He require from you to save you when you got born again? What did you give Him to get born again?

All that God requires from you now is your faith just like when you first believed. The only difference is that being born again is instant because it is limited to the realm of the spirit alone but other issues of life thereafter may involve things in the material world and therefore take some moment before you see/feel or experience them in materiality but they are done in the spirit realm the instance you take that step of faith (the same way you were born again the instance you took the step of faith).

God sent Jesus to die for you when you never sought for His deliverance from the kingdom of darkness, when you were outside His ‘good books’. How much more will He now freely give you all things (Romans 8:32)? 

The issue has never been God’s giving, it has always been about us receiving and it is our faith that makes us receive when it comes to the power of God. 

Do you want to provoke God to receive from Him? Believe what He has said, act on it as though it was so and maintain that position giving thanks to Him. 

When you ask God in prayer because you believe His word regarding a matter (that if you ask He hears and gives), that is an act of faith and God responds to it. It works all the time so far you believe and continue believing His word on that matter.


Whatever makes you stop believing God’s word either partially or totally, after you have taken that step of faith, will stop your deliverance. You must resist and avoid such things. 

More often than not, you stop believing God’s word either partially or totally when you start to think that the outcome of your act of faith depends on any other thing outside God’s word that you have believed, either yourself, others or your circumstances. 

God will do what He has promised you only because He has promised. All other things are immaterial. You must understand this provision of grace for your faith to always work (Ephesians 2: 8-9). 

If God were ever to consider you as a factor, then expect nothing because you will always come short. 

When you got saved, God’s consideration was not you but Christ and His promise, otherwise you would never have been saved. To access His power after salvation also, His consideration has not changed. That is why in prayer you always ask the Father in Jesus’ name according to His word.

Don’t get it wrong though, living right and living a life dedicated to God has its important place. For instance, you will not know and have understanding of these truths if you are not submissive to God because He is the one that unveils these truths to your heart by His Spirit. 

If you do not have the revelation and understanding of God’s word, how can you ever believe it talk less of act on it? No revelation knowledge, no faith! 

So you see that it is beyond going to Church, crusades, seminars, listening to messages, reading books etc only (while you live your life whichever way pleases you), the starting point is your dedication to God and commitment to doing His will. This gives the Holy Spirit your invitation to reveal God’s word to you, so you can believe and act on.  

You cannot force God’s Spirit to unveil God’s word to you or expect Him to do it on your terms, He works on God’s terms. 

Only with dedication and commitment to obeying God will going to Church, crusades, seminars, listening to messages, reading books etc be profitable to you, for then the Holy Spirit would unfold God’s word to you because of the state of your heart. 

It is those who hunger and thirst after righteousness that shall be filled, not everyone (Matthew 5:6).


God has no favorites (Acts 10:34b, Romans 10:12). He has not reserved His power for some special ones who in turn distribute to the less fortunate others after they have given something or served, God’s power cannot be traded. 

If it is gotten by trading, then it is no more by grace and surely there will be occasion to boast by whosever gets it. God will not be reduced to such ridicule, He is not a man. All believers have access to God’s power to deal with the works of darkness in their lives through our faith. The promise given to one is the promise given to all (Romans 4:16a).

It was by our faith that we got born again, it is by our faith also that we will overcome the works of the kingdom of darkness in our lives on this side of eternity. 

To what extent we overcome however depends on how much we seek His word, get revelation from His Spirit, believe and act on it, holding on to the position of God’s word till the desired change is seen. 

Revelation of His word comes by fellowship, it comes by loving and walking with Him. This is where the work is, this is the labor that leads into God’s rest (Hebrews 4:3a,11). 

Do what is required for you to believe His word. You believe when the Holy Spirit unveils or reveals God’s word to you. Seek this diligently and act on what He reveals, your victory and your joy will know no bounds!

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15).

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Thank God the Holy Spirit did not leave this to our imagination but clearly stated them in Ephesians 6:14 17, truth, righteousness, readiness to preach/live the gospel, faith, salvation and the word of God. By and large, they are not any different from the weapons of our warfare which the Holy Spirit by apostle Paul talked about in 2 Corinthians 10:4 where He says For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Do not get thrown by the reference to these in Ephesians as amour and in 2 Corinthians as weapons, take a cue firstly from the underlying message that we ‘wrestle not against flesh and blood’ and ‘the weapons of our warfare are not carnal’ in the two passages. Secondly, take another cue from how the ‘weapons’ and ‘whole amour’ work in the life of the believer (as will be further explained in the write up on how to put on and use the armor and the weapons) and you will see that they are the same.

The armor/weapons we have been provided are not compared to any man made weapon in capability and most importantly how they work. It is very important that you have this settled in your mind if indeed you will gain mastery in following the path of victory in your life’s battles, battles that are not avoidable once you are a believer. I say this without mincing words, notwithstanding the industry already built today around ‘spiritual warfare’ which deals ill strategies and all manner of phony ‘weaponry’ to the hapless, all which have no basis or foundation in scripture. The truth about the warfare we are engaged in and how we successfully wage it can be seen and known if only the believer will be a student of the Holy Spirit, studying under His tutorship and comparing scripture with scripture, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

Now then, looking at these six things, the whole amour of God in Ephesians 6:14-17, I would have thought truth and the word of God meant the same thing and that faithsalvationrighteousnesspreparation of the gospel of peace are also embedded in God’s word. While this is true and a fact, looking at the context within which they are used here and comparing scripture with scripture, we get a better understanding of what the Holy Spirit is pointing at.

Righteousness refers to the believers’ understanding of our present state or status of right standing with God, a gift given unto us when we accepted Christ as our savior (Romans 5:16,17). This status which was freely given to us is the only basis we have for our relationship with God and access to all the benefits we have in Him (Romans 5:1). Until a believer accepts this and lives by it, there is no way he will survive Satan’s condemnation and shortchanging, experience peace with God and walk in the confidence of his salvation and all that comes with it. The status is not earned by works, cannot be bought by money, it is given based on obedience to the gospel and maintained by same.

Readiness to preach/live the gospel (preparation of the gospel of peace) refers to the knowing of and accepting this sacrosanct duty of every believer in this life, a duty for which we must give account to God (2 Corinthians 5:10) in the after-life. The believer will not be in compliance to this requirement until he understands that this is God’s command and expectation, it is not optional. If this is observed by all believers for instance, there will be no cases of people claiming to be saved and yet continuing to live their lives in envy, malice, hatred, immorality, foul mouthedness, lying, deceitfulness, drunkenness, cheating, secret cult membership, consulting spiritulists/mediums and any other form of godlessness just like they were living before getting saved (1 Corinthians 6:5-11). It was from these things that the believer repented unto salvation and must be ready to live and preach the new life into which he has been born. The repentance of the believer at salvation is the turning away from these things to embrace the readiness to preach/live the gospel for which reason Jesus gave the life of God to the believer’s spirit through re-creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). If you embrace this truth as a believer, you will not continue living a disorderly and ungodly life, claiming that you are serving God ‘in your heart’ or ‘your own way’ and should not be ‘judged’ by anyone. Anybody who carries on this way is either not born again or is but has slid into error and thereby fallen short of this amour and far from victory over the kingdom of darkness, irrespective of the prayer formula he/she adopts in attempts to defeat the enemy.

Faith here refers to the holding on to the conviction of and always acting on the truth, against any other principle, knowledge, wisdom, creed or belief. For example Jesus said And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name….. they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:17-18) therefore the believer is expected to hold on to this as true and act on it as often as there is opportunity irrespective of any other opinion. The same applies to every other provision God made for the Church under the new covenant.

Salvation here refers to living in the consciousness of our being born again (John 3:3,5, 1 Peter 1:3). Our salvation brought us into Christ and gave us access to all these privileges we have in God. If you are born again, you have access by the Holy Spirit who now indwells you. If you are not born again, you have no access to the privileges, you are not a part of the God’s kingdom, church membership notwithstanding, you have not even started as far as the contention for what God has to offer you is concerned, you are but meat to the enemy.

The word of God here refers to God’s word to the believer at every instance including both His written word (what the bible says to you regarding your life in Christ) and His spoken word (in day to day guidance and leading through the Holy Spirit in all the affairs of life). You must identify, accept and live by the fact that as a believer, you take the cue for everything you do from God’s word and His guidance on all life’s issues. For example, while the unsaved are seeking for how to kill their enemies, praying for them to die, you remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:44-46 and you pray for their salvation and God’s redemption upon their lives because first and foremost your real enemies are not human beings but fallen spirits (demons) referred to as principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. When you follow God’s leadership through His word (written and spoken), you will then realize that all the efforts of Satan to limit you are undone by God and you make progress, because God’s blessing (power) for doing His word comes upon your life, strengthens, protects you and keeps Satan defeated in all that has to do with your life.

It is concluded therefore that the beginning of victory over the kingdom of darkness is knowing the whole armor of God (His word/expectations) and making a conscious decision to live life in total obedience and conformity with them. Jesus said in Mark 8:34b Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. This is the price we have to pay. We must jettison our own ways or ways learnt from others but are not of God and follow God’s ways. We have been bought with a price, we no longer belong to ourselves (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

We will examine how to put on the whole amour of God in another post but in the meantime Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15).

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


For over two hundred years after king Solomon died, things were hardly alright for Israel, God’s chosen people. First the kingdom was split into two (as God had said would happen because of the iniquity of Solomon in departing from God - 1 Kings 11:26-39) and in addition, both kingdoms had their share of evil rulers that ruled without discretion, leading to some of God’s people being removed from the promised land, held in captivity and oppressed by the enemy.

It was in such a precarious time that Hezekiah became the king of the Southern kingdom. One thing marked Hezekiah out though, he made a decision in his heart to seek and follow God’s word. 

He did not stop at making the decision, he took steps to walk in the reality of it, rallying everyone round to do the same. He had discovered that it was only following God’s word that could deliver him and God’s people from the enemy as well as bring God’s blessing and increase to His people. This fact also holds true for the believer today.

As Hezekiah rallied the people, they complied. They first prepared God’s temple, removing from the house of God everything that was ungodly and offensive to God, whatever it was that was not compliant to God’s word. 

When that was completed, Hezekiah called everyone in his kingdom as well as the Northern kingdom to come and keep the ordinance of God in observing the Passover. The people gave heed to this call and came to Jerusalem to present themselves before God. 

Seven days they kept the Passover rites as required by law but they did not stop at that. Of their own will and determination, they decided to keep an additional seven days, having realized that they had erred. They went over and above to prove to God they loved Him. 

This feast had not been kept by God’s people since the days of Solomon (2 Chronicles 30:26) for over 200 years, simply put they had not been following God’s word. No wonder there was so much destruction in the land, it was so bad that God’s people who were once the envy of others had become objects of ridicule (2 Chronicles 29:8).

Upon completion of the feast, everyone departed with joy to their homes but not before ensuring that everything that represented evil against the true worship of and service to God was removed from the land. Shrines were thrown down, idols destroyed all over Jerusalem and the people went home in peace.


Now then, one would expect that prosperity would immediately spring up in the land, peace blossom all around without the attacks of their oppressors, the enemy that had vexed them making life miserable for them. 

One would also expect the immediate repossession of all of what had earlier been taken from them by their enemies. Not so however, for it is given to the destroyer, the enemy of God’s people, to always seek to destroy, for hardly had God’s people settled down before Sennacherib, the enfant terrible, king of Assyria laid siege on Jerusalem to plunder the people of God again (2 Chronicles 32:1-2)! 

The bible says concerning the enemy of God's people in 1 Peter 5:8 that we should Be sober, be vigilant; because our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. In John 10:10a it says The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy

Things had however changed for the people of God because they had decided to follow God’s word. Hezekiah thus fortified the people with God's word and encouraged them, tasking them that for these three reasons they should not be afraid (2 Chronicles 32:7-8):

1. The host of heaven was with them and are more in number than the oppressors, the attackers

2.  The attackers’ power was inferior to the power of God which the host of heaven with God’s people has

3.  God will fight for His people

The people believed Hezekiah but Sennacherib was just about started. He attacked the hope that the people had in God’s word and boasted of the destruction his forces (even from the time of his fathers), had successfully brought against other lands in times past (call it generational or territorial curses or collective bondage or captivity if you like). 

He told God’s people in effect that ‘make no mistakes, as we had successfully plundered others before you because of our powers, we will plunder you too, whether you and your God like it or not’.


At this time, Hezekiah did something remarkable, he did what God’s people today are expected to do. It was time for deliverance and he prayed to God, he cried to Him for just that. 

Hezekiah asked for nothing else; he did not ask for the neck of Sennacherib, he did not ask God’s people to go and bring some special offering so God could deliver them, he did not go around seeking help from other gods, he did not think up strategy that he felt could take care of the invading army (for there was no human strategy that could help him), he did not scamper around looking for kings of other nations through networking to come and join him to fight Sennacherib,  he did not give in to perplexity and despair or whine and complain, he prayed and cried to God to deliver him and God’s people (2 Chronicles 32:20) and glory to God who hearkens! 

God answered Hezekiah, for the bible says the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, His ears are open to their cry (Psalms 34:15). God answered in His way, and His way brought what Hezekiah asked for. 

God gave Hezekiah deliverance from the pernicious situation and Sennacherib was not only sent packing, God ensured he could not come back to hustle or trouble Hezekiah again.

Are you a believer? Have you purposed in your heart to do God’s will for your life? What is that thing that Satan has used to hedge you in, to trouble, oppress and limit you spiritually, financially, in your health, in your career, your job or your children’s lives or your family? 

You have a God whose eyes are upon you and whose ears are open to your prayers. Cry to him for deliverance. Jesus said in John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father IN MY NAME, he will give it you.

Jesus cannot lie, He said exactly what God would do. Believe Him, ask God in the name of Jesus and heaven moves on your behalf just the same way it moved for Hezekiah. More so you have been given the Holy Spirit by whom you cry Abba Father (Romans 8:15), you stand on a better covenant (than Hezekiah stood) established upon better promises (Hebrews 8:6). 

Quit despair, quit frustration today, stop running around looking for what God has already given you. Believe His word and act on it, cry out to Him who alone can deliver based on the promise He has given you in His word and He hears you and He answers there and then. 

Crying to God for deliverance in time of trouble is not a sign of weakness, it is how it has been designed for us to have victory without fighting with our strength because by strength shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9b).

When you cry to Him and the burden is lifted from your spirit, continue in thanksgiving to God for what He did for you when you cried to Him. Nothing can stop your deliverance from becoming reality. 

Do not let Sennacherib fool you. Once you called on God, He did to him and his host exactly what He did in the days of Hezekiah. Hold on to your victory, you are delivered, you are free! The person that believes sees the glory of God (John 11:40).   

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15).​

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.