The spiritual has
precedence over the natural or material. This is the order in which things have
been made, the spiritual first and then the natural.
Jesus came so that we may again
be made alive to God and be able to operate in the spirit successfully, by His
authority and power (John 10:10). Descending from Adam, we inherited the sin
nature, which alienates our spirits from God once we grow to be able to discern
between good and evil, hence the need for Him to restore and give us access to God
again so we can have the opportunity to learn and exercise dominion from our
spirits like Adam did before the fall. You must take cognizance of the fact that you are a spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23), you have a soul and reside in a body.
God is a Spirit (John
4:24) and in making us after His likeness (Genesis 1:26a), He made us spirit
beings. He deals with us through our spirit, not our mind or body. The mind and
body enable us to function here on earth, relating to the intellectual and
material world. God’s dealings with us are however through our spirit.
Our mind takes what it is
fed, either the things of God through our spirit or the things of this world through
our five senses. For the unbeliever who has an unregenerate spirit, the mind is
condemned to not only receiving the things of the world (of which Satan is God –
2 Corinthians 4:4a) through his/her senses, but also things borne out of selfishness towards man and
God from their spirits which are devoid of the life of God. For him/her, it is
double jeopardy until such a time that they heed God’s call to salvation and
get born again. For this reason, the bible admonishes believers (those that
have been made alive in their spirits) to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:
16a, 25). If we do not walk in the spirit, our spirits do not feed or compel
our minds but our flesh does and we end up doing things as though we do not
have the life of God in us, living in defeat and sin.
We walk in the spirit when
we mind the things of the spirit, filling our minds and compelling it with the
things of the spirit (Romans 8:5). To feed our minds with the things of the
spirit, we must first know these things. The things of the spirit are the
things of God which the Holy Spirit reveals to our spirits.
We must understand that living
our lives victoriously as Christians depends on us developing our spirits. The
mind cannot lay hold on or take in the things of God because they do not make
sense to it or ‘add up’. The believer’s spirit however can, because it has been
re-created after God, it has been given the life of God by God’s spirit
(Ephesians 4:24). 1 Corinthians 2:14 says But the natural man receiveth not
the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can
he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. The natural
man is the man devoid of God’s Spirit, and thus attempts to grasp the things of
God with his mind (through his senses) but he can’t. We will not fare better as
believers if we remain sense ruled and try to grasp the things of God with our
minds. We must be spirit ruled, our minds were not born again, our spirits
were. The mind cannot reason out or understand the things of God, it can only
be made to accept it as compelled to by our spirits. This is what is called renewing
of the mind (Romans 12:1). Whatever is revealed to the believer’s
spirit is the only thing that the believer can renew his/her mind with, hence
the believer must seek the revelation of the things of God to his spirit so the
mind can be renewed with such revealed truth.
What the Holy Spirit
reveals to you personally as a believer is what you will renew your mind with. Though it
is the same truth, it must be revealed to each person for it to be useful to
them personally. The Christian walk is a personal walk with God in which each
person walks the walk with God. The collective (Church) provides all the
support and means for each believer to walk with God successfully by learning from Him
and growing spiritually. Without the collective, the individual is undone. We must
all of necessity learn from others but the revelation others have in their
spirit cannot lead to your own spiritual growth. They give you the message but
you must sit down with God personally and let Him reveal Himself to you in it by
His Spirit. Every believer has to study God’s word, meditate and pray for us to
grow spiritually.
You will notice that in
Romans 8:16 it says The Spirit itself beareth witness with our
spirit, that we are the children of God. He does not bear
witness with our mind/reasoning or sight, smell, touch/taste/feeling or
physical hearing. God deals with our spirits because God is a Spirit. It had
earlier said in the fourteenth verse that as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
they are the sons of God. This leading is from our spirits, not from our
mind or senses, for the Holy Spirit bears witness from within our spirits. This
witness that he bears with our spirits is a revelation of one thing about God, that
when we get born again we become the sons of God (John 1:12). There is no
physical proof for this, no natural proof, no sense knowledge, scientific or
psychological proof. The proof is the witness of the Holy Spirit to our spirits.
That is why it is by faith, we believe in our spirits (hearts) and we act
accordingly. As seeing is to the physical eyes so is ‘knowing’ or revelation to
the spirit. It does not take time however for what happened in our spirits to
be seen on the outside though, most especially when we develop our spirit and
grow. This development and growth comes by learning, knowing the things of God
and doing them.
In 1 Corinthians 2:14,
apostle Paul talked about the things of God, which he started out with earlier
in the chapter. He clarified that they were not man’s wisdom (not a product of
the mind’s thoughts or reasoning or common sense – verses 1,4,5), nor the
wisdom of Satan or demons (anything referred to as wisdom of spiritual nature
like magic, esoteric teachings, uncommon sense, hidden knowledge etc) but the testimony of God. The testimony of God
is what God has to say, which he also referred to as the wisdom of God that he (and the other apostles and prophets of God
in the bible) spoke in a mystery. What did they speak? They spoke the word of God.
In the seventh verse, apostle Paul said they
spoke the wisdom (word) of God in a mystery, mystery indeed to the human mind
but not a mystery to the human spirit when revealed by the Holy Spirit (verse
10). He concluded in the twelfth and
thirteenth verses that Now we (believers) have
received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we
might know the things that are freely given to us of God Which
things also we (apostle Paul, the
other apostles and prophet in the bible)
speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost
teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
The things of God are the word of God as presented in the
bible. The Holy Spirit reveals them to us through our spirit (not our mind) and
by this revelation we know and understand them. When we feed this revelation
knowledge to our minds and act on them, it brings spiritual growth and the
exercise of dominion in life as God intends. This is the key to overcoming all
what Satan may bring against the believer in life.
Take notice though that
knowing the things of God is beyond mental assent to the bible as though it is
a story book, history book, science or art book or anything else written by men.
Otherwise, what you will know will not be beyond what the bible calls letter of
the word which does not produce life (spiritual development/growth). 2
Corinthians 3:6 says for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth
life. It is the revelation that the Holy Spirit gives you that
contains the life giving/ life transforming power of God that makes the
difference. This is what the psalmist saw in the Old Testament when he
prophesied that The entrance of thy words
giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple
(Psalm 119:130). Who is the simple? The simple is that man or woman that will
humble himself/herself before God, respect God enough to take His word as
revealed by His Spirit. It is this revealed word of God that is the wisdom of
God. And it is amazing to know that there is nothing that has to do with man in
this life that the bible does not have covered and yes, I mean everything! For
the believer therefore, this is where the buck stops, this is where the
solution and the answer lay.
Are you a believer? Are
you tired of living in defeat and running helter skelter without the guarantee of a lasting
victory? Do you want to walk in the fullness of the benefits of your redemption? Then develop your spirit, grow up spiritually, this is the key to
exercising the dominion that is yours in Christ.
Meditate upon these things; give thyself
wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy
Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.
Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.
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