Tuesday, November 15, 2016


The joy of Salvation was brought by the Holy Spirit when He came into our hearts at salvation and is maintained by Him. 

It is the joy that comes from the understanding and appreciation that you and God are now one. 

We did not work for this joy, it came when we simply opened up our hearts to receive God’s gift that was brought to us by the death and resurrection of Jesus and we continue to experience it daily as long as we are in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 

The joy is with the Holy Spirit, He prompted us the day we got born again to respond to God’s offer and accept Jesus as our Lord and we did. He came with this joy and it continues to flow from Him to us like a stream or river as we continue to yield to His promptings in our lives daily.

Today, the Holy Spirit seeks to play a greater role in our lives than He currently does, His inability to do this is what causes the joy to wane.

Someone may say ‘He indwells us, so we are in fellowship with Him always’. Well yes, it is supposed to be so, only that our will is involved and it is one thing the Holy Spirit does not force. 

Just like a husband and a wife in a contractual and God recognized marriage relationship can stay under the same roof and not talk/relate positively for months, just like a child and the mom or the dad can be under the same roof and not relate positively for years, it is possible for the believer to walk out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit for days, months or even years, even though He indwells them.

Walking out of fellowship with the Holy Spirit cuts off the joy of our salvation because He is the source of it, it flows from Him to us like a stream and the flow is maintained by fellowship and obedience.

This joy that the Holy Spirit gives us cannot be found in anything or anyone else but Him. It is the joy that God desires that His children have always, the joy of His presence and union with us.

The Holy Spirit is God with us here on earth today, He is God working on earth operationally today. If He does not work, God does not work. There is nothing God the Father will do today on earth outside the Holy Spirit.

The kingdom of God is not in meat and drinks (man-made rules and regulations) but God inspired righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). Where these three are lacking, one may not say ‘I am walking or living in the reality of the Kingdom of God’. 

These works of the Holy Spirit keep the Kingdom of God going here on earth and lead to its increase. It is when believers walk and live in this joy that the glory of God becomes common place among them. The bible calls it joy unspeakable, full of glory (1 Peter 1:8).

We must ensure that we keep our fellowship with the Holy Spirit unhindered and alive. He is all the help we have from God here on earth and without staying in fellowship with Him, we cannot have good success.


If we do not experience this joy, it does not mean God does not love us or His love for us has diminished. His love for us caused Him to give us His Spirit, what love can be more than God sharing with us His very essence? 

We only demonstrate our love for Him in reciprocity by allowing the Holy Spirit have first place in our lives. The benefits of God’s love and care can only be fully experienced within the joy the Holy Spirit brings, the reality of which we got to know when He came into our hearts and re-created us.

If you have never experienced this joy, then maybe you have not invited Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and savior. It is beyond feelings, it is an assurance in your spirit that you are now one with God. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirits that we are the sons of God (Romans 8:16).

It is the absence of this joy which is peculiar to the saved only (that is, the body of Christ, the spiritual Church), that has led to the pursuit of other things by the physical Church to make them peculiar. The physical Church is a religious institution run by the same system that runs the world. 

To be peculiar, the physical Church now wants to have the most money, control the most people, have and control the most real estate, have the most crowd, control the government, control the economy, if possible control God etc. 

Little do most believers realize that you do not need to be born again to have and control all these things they now chase after. Having these things does not make a believer peculiar, the world also has them!

The joy of salvation however cannot be obtained or attained by the world because the world does not and cannot have the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit and the joy He gives makes the believer peculiar, this should be our pursuit.

When the bible says joy unspeakable, it means joy that cannot be explained by natural understanding or by the mind. It does not depend on anything that is natural, material, financial or man-made. That is what beats the world! ‘How can a people be so joyous and free despite not having what the world seeks to make it happy’?  

This is the question the world will ask when we return to full fellowship with the Holy Spirit in our individual lives and the glory of God radiates through us. 

If you are a believer and still seek after the things of the world to make you happy, you may have temporarily lost the joy of your salvation, a sign of broken fellowship with the Holy Spirit. All you need do is go back to the obeying Him, starting from your personal and most intimate affairs and the joy comes back. 

Then you will realize you do not need all the spooky music that promotes the lusts of the flesh and eyes and the pride of life to make you feel ‘alright’, or the ‘high’ which the drink, prescription drugs, joint or load brings or the approval and company of that person or people who clearly do not love or fear God.

One thing about this joy is that when you have it you know and others know too. Its absence from the believer leaves a void, question marks, discontent, irritation, restlessness, exhibition of hideous tendencies, criticisms of whatever is godly and all such anomalies that typifies when fish is out of water. 

In its absence, the believer finds it difficult to fellowship with other believers, prayer becomes a burden, studying and meditating on the word become a burden, witnessing ceases, pride comes in, arrogance and naughtiness find expression, walking in love becomes difficult, among other such undesirable traits. 

If we ever find ourselves in such a situation, we must not excuse it away or try to resolve it on our own, we cannot. But God understands and is ever ready to help us (Psalms 103:13) if we will simply return to our first love.

In Revelation 2:4, Jesus admonished the Church at Ephesus (and the entire Church through the ages) to return to their first love. There would not have been any need for the admonition if there was no departure in the first instance. Once saved forever saved you say but Christ admonishes to watch yourself.

Who will agree that they have departed from their first love except those that are sincere enough to measure themselves against how things were when they first believed? For most believers, the so many things we do that we try to excuse away would not have been at all, if we have remained full of the joy of our salvation. 

Had we remained full of His joy, we would not separate ourselves from believers that walk in the fear of God (blaming it on them Jude 1:19), we would not be keep malice and excuse it away as minding our own business, we would not hate studying the bible, we would not hate praying without ceasing, we would not be averse to being more involved in our local churches than we are and so forth. 

If you notice, we become like these as a result of occupying ourselves with other things that we think will bring us joy and satisfaction but which never do. These things may satisfy the flesh temporarily, be acceptable to the society and other believers may even do them. But we are not answerable to the society, we are to God, and His Spirit within us watches over His word to ensure we live in line with it. 

Making God’s word the final word in our lives keeps us in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and there is a call for us to go back to our first love. 

God desires that we experience the joy of salvation as a daily benefit because we are His children. Without this joy, we cannot survive in this world that we live in today, this joy is the source of our strength against all evil (Nehemiah 8:10). 

We must go back to walking hand in hand with the Holy Spirit so He can take us into the fullness of God, empowering us to live victoriously in this life. The bible calls this walking in the spirit, the antidote God has given the Church against carnality and the works of the devil. 

The Holy Spirit is willing and waiting to cause a continuous flow of the joy of salvation in our lives, we only need to ask God for restoration and submit ourselves to His Spirit again if we have gone our own way. If we haven’t, let us take our fellowship with Him to the next level, there is never too much of the joy He brings.        

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15). 

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


From the second to the fourth chapter of 1 Samuel, we read of a part of the story of Israel that packs a lot of lessons for the Church in these end times. 

There were a number of players in these chapters, the key ones being Eli (who was the high priest and a prophet), his two sons Hophni and Phinehas (who by virtue of birth, according to Mosaic law, served at the tabernacle of God), Samuel (who later became the high priest and a prophet of God also), the children of Israel and the philistines (Israel’s enemy). 

For the purpose of this write up, we can compare the trio of Eli and his two sons as ministers of God in the new testament or leaders in the Church and consider Israel as the Church at large (all believers), the Philistines as the kingdom of darkness with who we contend under the New Testament (Ephesians 6:12).

The sons of Eli were misbehaving very badly at God’s tabernacle. They treated the things of God with so much irreverence, they did just like the undisciplined people of the world would do today when they are put in position of authority over the affairs of men (they become corrupt out of selfishness and greed). 

While it was an established order under the Mosaic laws that people who worked in God’s house would feed from there, there was a procedure for this. There were portions of people’s offerings that went to God in sacrifice, the primary thing in God's tabernacle was service to God and it was to be attended to first. 

When the parts for God’s sacrifice are taken out and offered then the portions for those who served at the tabernacle were given them. Hophni and Phinehas however disregarded this, they disrupted the order of God’s service and when people tried to restrain them, they forcefully had their way, claiming that 'God's anointed should not be touched' (1 Samuel 2:12-17). 

As though this was not enough, they grew wilder and started sleeping with the women who assisted in the performance of service to God at the tabernacle (1 Samuel 2:22).

Eli, rather than do what the law of Moses said to do to those who committed fornication/adultery chose rather to try and persuade his sons to turn from their evil ways. Though he noted that his sons’ ways were evil, that they were by their conducts causing God’s people to sin and that there was only one consequence for their actions except they turned (God’s judgment), God told him in the 29th verse of 1 Samuel 2 that he honored his sons more than Him (God) and that Eli himself was a beneficiary of some of his sons' evil. This speaks volumes, but we would not be going into it at the moment but rather draw other lessons from the events.

Over the next verses and chapter, God 'touched His anointed' by Himself, He judged Eli and the judgment extended to his generations after him. The consequence of the sons' evil on Eli and his entire generation was very grievous. Without doubt the judgment also affected God’s people (Israel) who were precious to Him. 

After the judgment was passed, the fulfillment was recorded and we see that though the priests and the high priest started and continued in evil, when they were judged it affected the whole of Israel! Israel went to battle against the Philistines twice at this time and were roundly defeated the two times. 

Not only did Israel lose thirty four thousand of her soldiers, the Ark of Covenant was captured and taken away. In New Testament manner of speaking, the glory of God (His presence and works of His Spirit) departed from His people. The Israelites thereafter were God’s people only by name, God’s help that made them special and different had been temporarily removed from them by God Himself. 

As for the Ark of Covenant that was taken by the Philistines, God preserved His Glory and honor, He did not need men to fight for His glory, He dealt with the Philistines so hard that they eventually sent the Ark away with entreaties to God for mercy. God will always give a good account of Himself; it is man that suffers when God’s glory departs. The presence of God's Glory with His people is for the people's benefit, God will always remain God.

It is not right for believers under the New Testament to live outside God’s will because ministers and leaders in the Church are doing wrong. God holds everyone accountable for their wrongdoings, notwithstanding what leadership does. The judgment of the leaders will be more terrible than that of the believers no doubt, but each believer will answer for his/her own failings. 

The Israelites that took after the evil of Hophni and Phinehas knew that what they were indulging in was against the laws of God. The fact that leaders chose to run afoul of God’s law does not mean the Church at large will be excused for running afoul of it. 

Our consciences do not excuse us when we indulge in wrong things, they accuse us and we know. Most of the time when we claim men are ‘judging’ us, our consciences have actually judged us first. Whatever we hear that sounds like ‘judgment’ is simply an echo of what our hearts already told us. 

When we do wrong, we are wrong and being God’s people does not make that right! If God’s word points it to us, it’s not judging us but rather telling us to repent so we do not come to judgment. 1 John 3:20-21 says for if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God

In other words, if our hearts condemn us for running afoul of God’s word, we should not be under the illusion that we are not wrong before God and should immediately correct our ways so as to stay in fellowship with Him. Otherwise, there sure will be consequences if we persist, whether or not our leaders are indulging in the same wrongs or not.

There is no way the wrong doings of leaders in the Church would not affect the whole Church. Firstly it emboldens believers to do the same wrongs the leaders are caught in. This is natural, it happened in Israel during Eli’s time and would happen now if permitted. 

Secondly when God’s glory and power is withdrawn/suspended, it does not only affect the leaders, it affects the entire Church. What can believers do, you may ask? There is a lot believers can do. God’s expectation is that believers should stick to His word and continue in it and He has made this easy in the New Testament, each believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. 

You can chose to be obedient to the word of God irrespective of what others do. Not only this, the believer should also promote obedience to God’s word by living it and not failing to preach/teach it whenever there is the opportunity. 

Even when other believers who would rather follow the lusts of their flesh say you are ‘judging’ them, you do not stop doing and saying the right things because you owe it to God as a duty. Lastly, believers should pray for the Church always, that the will of God be done among leadership and the entire body of Christ.

It is God’s will that leaders obey and promote His word for the people to follow. It is the believer’s duty therefore to ask God to do whatever is necessary to ensure that both leadership and the entire Church are doing what God expects of them. This is important because except it is so, God’s judgment comes and it affects everyone. 

We know that God is just, He will not allow the righteous to be destroyed with the wicked (Genesis 18:23) but of what benefit will it be if you are the only believer following God’s word? The entire body will be weak and because you are in that body, you will end up being affected by the weakness of others also. You only need to look around you today to see this playing out. 

Samuel followed God after Eli passed but this did not take away from the fact that the Ark of the Covenant was taken away from Israel for a period and everybody missed out on the benefits of its presence. 

The responsibility of seeking God to ensure that His glory is restored rests on all believers and it is very expedient in the days in which we live when the Church is the weakest it has been in decades (and this is not negative confession, it is as bad as when apostle Paul referred to believers in Galatia as having been bewitched - Galatians 3:1). 

The crises and the scandals that riddle the Church today speaks for itself, the waning impact of the Church on the society as shown by prevalent unrighteousness that is also impacting the Church speaks too.

There is a wake-up call to all believers at this time. I dare say that believers that got born again in the millennia hardly know the Church in great glory. A lot is happening within it which ought not to be and a lot is not happening which ought to be. God’s power and glory that should be strongly manifested in her is not as is supposed to. 

If we will take up the challenge in our own personal lives, return to the straight and narrow way of God’s word and prayers for God’s will to be done and His glory returned in its fullness, God will hear and He knows exactly what to do. He waits on us to make adjustments and to pray, will you? 

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15). 

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.