Friday, April 15, 2016


Romans 1:15-17So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Without doubt we know that it is the power of God alone that destroys the works of the Kingdom of darkness. 

It is mentioned here in this text that it was this power that brought about our deliverance from the kingdom of darkness when we got saved. 

Salvation within the context in which it was used here however refers not only to when we became born again but also covers everything else relating to deliverance from and victory over the works of the kingdom of darkness after being born again. 

We comfortably conclude from these that what we need for victory over the works of the kingdom of darkness in our lives today is the power of God. Our salvation testifies of this, that where the power of God intervenes, Satan and his entire kingdom cannot stand, otherwise we would not be born again today.


Faith is the currency of God’s kingdom. It brought the power of God to work our salvation at the new birth (Ephesians 2:8). 

Without our faith, God would not have saved us, not because He does not want to or could not, but because the only way by which man is allowed to deal with God and vice versa is through faith (Hebrews 11:6). 

Without faith, God’s power will not intervene in the believer’s situation, in which event the works of Satan and his kingdom of darkness would have their way resulting in lack/loss, death and destruction. This is why it was concluded that the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17b). 

To enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to die for, beyond being born again (John 10:10), you MUST learn to live by faith perpetually. It is not difficult, if you are born again, your faith has worked for you before (when you got saved) and if you exercise it similarly in every other situation, it works like clockwork.


Faith in God, simply put, is believing God’s word in your heart and acting on it (as though it was so). 

God’s word, His mind towards you, is the ‘good news’ for every situation. This was how you got born again (Romans 10:9) and Abraham did not do more than this for him to become the father of faith (Romans 4:3,16b). 

When Satan rises against you with events, circumstances and situations (including fear of death), seek out God’s word (which is His mind concerning that situation) believe it and act on it. This causes God’s power to be released to put Satan in His place in your life. Your faith touches God and His power moves the mountain.

If it was not this simple, maybe it would not be as complicated as it seem today in the Church. 

God has been misrepresented long enough to make Him appear as the task-master who asks His people to give what they have and sometimes what they do not have before He considers what little help He can render to them. 

Dear believer, get it untwisted, you are more precious to God than that, He wants to intervene in your situation even much more than you want His intervention, He loves you. After all, what did He require from you to save you when you got born again? What did you give Him to get born again?

All that God requires from you now is your faith just like when you first believed. The only difference is that being born again is instant because it is limited to the realm of the spirit alone but other issues of life thereafter may involve things in the material world and therefore take some moment before you see/feel or experience them in materiality but they are done in the spirit realm the instance you take that step of faith (the same way you were born again the instance you took the step of faith).

God sent Jesus to die for you when you never sought for His deliverance from the kingdom of darkness, when you were outside His ‘good books’. How much more will He now freely give you all things (Romans 8:32)? 

The issue has never been God’s giving, it has always been about us receiving and it is our faith that makes us receive when it comes to the power of God. 

Do you want to provoke God to receive from Him? Believe what He has said, act on it as though it was so and maintain that position giving thanks to Him. 

When you ask God in prayer because you believe His word regarding a matter (that if you ask He hears and gives), that is an act of faith and God responds to it. It works all the time so far you believe and continue believing His word on that matter.


Whatever makes you stop believing God’s word either partially or totally, after you have taken that step of faith, will stop your deliverance. You must resist and avoid such things. 

More often than not, you stop believing God’s word either partially or totally when you start to think that the outcome of your act of faith depends on any other thing outside God’s word that you have believed, either yourself, others or your circumstances. 

God will do what He has promised you only because He has promised. All other things are immaterial. You must understand this provision of grace for your faith to always work (Ephesians 2: 8-9). 

If God were ever to consider you as a factor, then expect nothing because you will always come short. 

When you got saved, God’s consideration was not you but Christ and His promise, otherwise you would never have been saved. To access His power after salvation also, His consideration has not changed. That is why in prayer you always ask the Father in Jesus’ name according to His word.

Don’t get it wrong though, living right and living a life dedicated to God has its important place. For instance, you will not know and have understanding of these truths if you are not submissive to God because He is the one that unveils these truths to your heart by His Spirit. 

If you do not have the revelation and understanding of God’s word, how can you ever believe it talk less of act on it? No revelation knowledge, no faith! 

So you see that it is beyond going to Church, crusades, seminars, listening to messages, reading books etc only (while you live your life whichever way pleases you), the starting point is your dedication to God and commitment to doing His will. This gives the Holy Spirit your invitation to reveal God’s word to you, so you can believe and act on.  

You cannot force God’s Spirit to unveil God’s word to you or expect Him to do it on your terms, He works on God’s terms. 

Only with dedication and commitment to obeying God will going to Church, crusades, seminars, listening to messages, reading books etc be profitable to you, for then the Holy Spirit would unfold God’s word to you because of the state of your heart. 

It is those who hunger and thirst after righteousness that shall be filled, not everyone (Matthew 5:6).


God has no favorites (Acts 10:34b, Romans 10:12). He has not reserved His power for some special ones who in turn distribute to the less fortunate others after they have given something or served, God’s power cannot be traded. 

If it is gotten by trading, then it is no more by grace and surely there will be occasion to boast by whosever gets it. God will not be reduced to such ridicule, He is not a man. All believers have access to God’s power to deal with the works of darkness in their lives through our faith. The promise given to one is the promise given to all (Romans 4:16a).

It was by our faith that we got born again, it is by our faith also that we will overcome the works of the kingdom of darkness in our lives on this side of eternity. 

To what extent we overcome however depends on how much we seek His word, get revelation from His Spirit, believe and act on it, holding on to the position of God’s word till the desired change is seen. 

Revelation of His word comes by fellowship, it comes by loving and walking with Him. This is where the work is, this is the labor that leads into God’s rest (Hebrews 4:3a,11). 

Do what is required for you to believe His word. You believe when the Holy Spirit unveils or reveals God’s word to you. Seek this diligently and act on what He reveals, your victory and your joy will know no bounds!

Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all (1 Timothy 4:15).

Pastor Gboye Omolayo is the Resident Pastor of Church@Allen, Allen TX, USA. He is a prolific writer and preacher who believes the efficacy of the word of God and the potency of the works of the Holy Spirit are still available to the Church today, as were at the Church’s infancy. He is the publisher of this blog.

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